Thursday, July 7, 2011

National Cathedral

On our way back from Annapolis on July 4, John Holleman and I stopped in Washington, D.C. and explored the National Cathedral.

U.S. Naval Academy

While our wives went museum hopping on July 4, John Holleman and I drove over to Annapolis, MD to see the U.S. Naval Academy. Since John and I are both college sports junkies, it was mandatory that we explore the football stadium and baseball field.

Marine Memorial

I woke up early on the morning of July 4 and walked from our hotel over to the Marine Corps War Memorial (also called the Iwo Jima Memorial), which is dedicated to all personnel of the United States Marine Corps who have died in defense of our country since 1775. The design of the massive structure was based on the famous photo taken during the World War II battle of Iwo Jima by photographer Joe Rosenthal. Three of those depicted raising the flag were killed on Iwo Jima during later stages of the battle.

U..S. Capitol

On July 3 Beverly and I visited The Mall in Washington, D.C., and I was able to take some photos of the U.S. Capitol.

Mount Vernon

During the July 4 holiday weekend Beverly and I traveled to Virginia for the July 2 wedding of Spencer Holleman, who is the son of our friends John and Beverly Holleman. On the day of the wedding Beverly and I toured George Washington's home at Mount Vernon.